Our Care Promises
It’s easy for care homes to say they have beliefs, mission statements, philosophies of care, etc, we make promises
- We will respect your dignity, privacy, confidentiality and independence at all times, and will run the home for your benefit, and not the convenience of the staff.
- We will create a stimulating, safe and secure environment to maintain your welfare and promote your rights, well-being, self-esteem and fulfilment.
By fulfilment we mean, promoting your material, emotional and spiritual needs.
- We will involve you (by helping you play an active part) in planning, delivering and discussing your care, treatment, support and medication; and in how the service is run. We will include all people acting on your behalf.
- We will help you, and all concerned, in confidence, to understand and discuss the care, treatment, support and medication you will receive, including the choices available to you, so you can make informed decisions, and take managed risks.
- We will support and enable you to care for yourself when this is possible, and to be as independent as possible in the activities of daily life.
- We will consult you, and all acting on your behalf. We will support, encourage and assist you to express and discuss your views, and make choices. We will respect these, and take them into account, when making decisions about how your care, treatment, support and medication is delivered and improved.
- Many care home residents are escaping perceived threats in their previous living arrangements, either to their safety, or which made them fearful or anxious. We therefore promise access to information about abuse, how to recognise the signs of abuse; and what to do if you are being abused, or suspect abuse.
- We will be open and transparent regarding charges and fees.
- When necessary, “best interest” meetings will be held with people who know and understand you, in accordance with the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.
- We have interview, assessment and supervision procedures in place to ensure as far possible that our staff are well-trained, honest, reliable, trustworthy and caring, and subject to the necessary checks.
- As with all our documents, we provide a complaints’ procedure which is clear, easy to understand and readily available; complaints will be dealt with quickly and effectively; however, if you have any problems, a member of staff is always available to explain anything to you. On request, documents can be produced in large print.
- To conclude: we aim to provide safe, high quality, reliable services, complying with the Essential Standards of Quality and Safety.
Please note that for legal reasons, we are obliged to point out that we regard our ‘Care Promises’ as comprising our Aims, Objectives and Philosophy of Care.
Professional advice, and more detailed information, is available and can be discussed regarding our fire safety procedures, health and safety procedures, raising concerns and complaints, terms and conditions and form of contract.