Quality Assured
St Ronans are committed to providing a continually improving quality assured service. For many years we have been Investors in People and ISO 9001 accredited, are members of RNHA and HCA, on the executive committee, and have an excellent history of good working relationship within the City, including its Safeguarding Team.
We ensure the Home stays up to date with changes in national and local legislation; guidance and best practice, have very clear business planning for the future and operate a clear and transparent management structure. Policies, procedures and best practice are under constant review as part of our quality assurance audits.
Regular senior team meetings agree systems, policy and process changes and how to effectively disseminate them throughout the organisation to all stakeholders. We ensure that person-centred care is delivered to our residents by fully trained and supported care team.
We value, and action where appropriate, both positive and negative feedback and input from residents, their family and friends, visiting professionals, from commissioners and referrers, from care workers and other staff, from regulatory and auditing bodies so as to constantly improve the care, treatment and support that residents receive.
The development of our relatives and friends support group which has proven invaluable for our residents’ carers; we are developing the Home to be a community hub for advice for carers.