You are being looked after in a residential and nursing home, so you may be confident that professional help and advice is on hand at all times – in consultation with our highly qualified nurses or your GP. We will help you make arrangements if you need hospital treatment..
Certainly, but please discuss ‘personalising’ your room with our Registered Manager.
Ask around. Everyone likes our home-cooked food. And we don’t serve cheap tea or coffee!
Where to start! Music, other visiting entertainment, exercises, bingo, outings, quizzes, farm visits – we even have an activities specialist! If you have a hobby or an interest, be sure to let us know. Organised worship also take place in the home.
Birthdays and other annual celebrations are enthusiastically catered for (any excuse, say our carers!) Hairdressing, chiropody and some other visiting services are charged for. (see also the Fees/Beds section).
This is very important, and the religious needs of all beliefs are respected and encouraged. The Registered Manager can provide you with local contacts. Clergymen (and women!) from different religions attend the home regularly.
Of course! This is your home; we even have a guest room for emergency stays. We will be delighted to serve refreshments in your room, a lounge, or in the garden, weather permitting. If a visitor has travelled a long way, and requires a meal, we can even arrange this.
We encourage families to be involved in the care of their relatives, doing their laundry for example. Children are always welcome, as are (friendly) pets. We ask that children are supervised at all times and remind visitors that they remain your responsibility – we will not be liable for any harm. Always talk to the Registered Manager: she will have lots of ideas about how you can be involved
To comply with legislation, smoking is only allowed in certain designated areas, and is risk-assessed.
We’re always happy to answer any questions you might have. Please call us on 023 9273 4259 or email us at info@st-ronans.co.uk