A laundry service is included at no extra cost. Please ensure all items have a clear name label.
Fire Safety
Our alarm system is tested weekly. When the alarm sounds, the fire doors will close automatically, giving 30 minutes’ protection. If evacuation ever becomes necessary, the person in charge will oversee this. We ask that all visitors and residents, where able, make themselves familiar with the home’s fire procedures: a copy is in every resident’s room. Know where your nearest exit point is, and the location of the designated assembly point.
Our insurance covers reasonable personal effects. Please do not bring valuables into the home, as we are not liable for them. If necessary, please explore alternative arrangements.
Infection Control
With vulnerable or elderly residents with declining immune systems, good hygiene and infection control is vital. Please make use of the alcohol gel dispensers available at the entrances and exits when arriving and leaving.
Family and Friends’ Support Group
This group is available for you to meet like-minded people, who can share, and help you with, difficulties and problems. It is supported by our Quality of Life Support Worker.
If you have no friends or family to support you, we can arrange for an Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA). Please ask the Registered Manager.
Also, SEAP (“Support, Empower, Advocate, Promote”) provide independent advocacy services to help resolve issues or concerns you may have about your health, well-being or care. They will also help if a resident is disadvantaged because of frailty, vulnerability or language. The local office can be contacted at:
SEAP, Portsmouth Advocacy and Appropriate Adult Service, The Oasis Centre, 1a Upper Arundel Street, Portsmouth, PO1 1NP, Tel: 0300 343 5721
Gifts and Gratuities
Our staff our not allowed to accept gifts, gratuities or bequests. Exceptional circumstances may, however, arise – please discuss these with the Registered Manager. A lovely way to express your thanks and appreciation, is to donate to our Residents’ Welfare Fund. This is used to improve welfare, or the facilities and environment of the home.
In the unfortunate event of bereavement, the family will be treated with the greatest sensitivity, and can expect every possible support and consolation from the staff.
Funeral arrangements are usually made by the next of kin, however, the staff are on hand to explain and assist as required. When there is no next of kin, the staff will make the necessary arrangements.